Asbestos Abatement Professionals Help You to Avoid Future Health Problems

Asbestos abatement is a category within construction that focuses on removing or reducing the presence of hazardous materials. Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral, with a fibrous structure that, when inhaled, can lead to the development of severe health issues. If the process isn’t completed properly, asbestos abatement can contaminate property, contents, or people living or working in the building. Because of this, it’s best to leave this job to a professional crew like the one at SMART Environmental Services for the safety of yourself and others.
Exposure to asbestos can take many years to develop the health issues associated with the material. By the time you are made aware of health problems, the damage to your lungs caused by inhaling asbestos fibers could already be severe. Exposure is most likely to occur when the materials containing asbestos are disturbed, so if you think that you have asbestos in your home, contact a professional asbestos abatement team as soon as possible to avoid future health issues.
The main risk of asbestos exposure is in insulation or popcorn ceiling textured ceilings in houses built before the 1980’s when the use of asbestos was discontinued due to the health risks associated with it. While it’s fortunate that your risk of exposure is relatively low unless the material in your home or commercial building is disturbed by someone without the training of an asbestos abatement professional, it will always be for the best to address the problem sooner, rather than later. You’ll want to make sure you find a team you can trust, since the dangers all stem from incorrect handling.
Asbestos removal is a process with federal, state, and local regulation. Any team engaging in this work are required to hold licenses certifying that they have been trained how to handle the material safely. The team at SMART Environmental Services has all of the necessary state licenses, not to mention that they follow the guidelines set by the EPA, NESHAP (National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants), and AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act).
If you have asbestos in your home and need it handled professionally, trust SMART Environmental Services. Call us at (913) 355-5303 or click here to contact us online. Don’t wait until you’re at risk, hire us for professional asbestos abatement today!

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