April 3, 2024
Be on the lookout for asbestos during your spring cleaning. If you are getting ready for spring cleaning here in Kansas City, it’s important to remember that if you are buying, renovating, or cleaning out an older home, asbestos may be lurking in your insulation, ceiling or flooring.
If you are working on home repairs on a home built prior to the 1980s, it’s important to be aware of where you might encounter harmful substances as you spring clean. Here are some areas to consider:
· General Home Maintenance – If replacing a water heater, furnace, or ductwork, be aware that hot water and steam pipes or ducts may be coated with asbestos materials.
· Attic Cleanout – Potentially risky materials were often used in attic floors and walls, sold under the brand name Zonolite in older homes. This type of insulation can be dangerous if disturbed.
· Attic Cleanout – Potentially risky materials were often used in attic floors and walls, sold under the brand name Zonolite in older homes. This type of insulation can be dangerous if disturbed.
· Updating/Remodeling – Whether you’re doing spring cleaning or remodeling an outdated space, some cosmetic areas of your home also pose a threat. The popcorn or cottage cheese style textured ceiling may also have asbestos in it, even though the types of paints and patching materials used to create that style were banned in the 1970s. And take a second look at your floor basements because some have older 9×9 or 12×12 vinyl tiles which contain asbestos.
Do you need asbestos removal in Kansas City? SMART Environmental Services is both an abatement and also a restoration contractor providing environmental cleanup and removal services including mold, water, and lead cleanup.
It’s important to keep mind the age of your home when completing home renovations or repairs. Could there be asbestos? If you’re not sure, don’t hesitate to reach out to the trained professionals at SMART Environmental. All harmful containing materials need to be properly removed, handled and disposed of to prevent exposure and other health risks.
For your residential or commercial abatement needs, you can trust SMART Environmental Services LLC. Contact us today or call (913) 355-5305 for a FREE estimate.
Posted in Asbestos Abatement