Where is Commercial Mold Removal Most Commonly Needed?

The need for commercial mold removal is something that can be influenced by several factors. When it comes to mold, not all businesses and buildings are created equal. Some lines of work are more amenable to the growth of mold, and some building materials provide a better environment for mold to grow on. SMART Environmental Services in Kansas City is here to provide information on which businesses and building materials are the most likely to need commercial mold removal.
What Businesses Are More Prone to Mold?
OSHA warns that molds can grow on virtually any substance, as long as moisture or water, oxygen, and an organic source are present. This means that businesses with a higher usage of water are more vulnerable to mold than businesses that use less water. Ultimately this means that businesses like textile manufacturing, breweries, paper mills, and restaurants are at a higher risk for mold due to their increased water usage. Commercial mold removal is not limited to these types of businesses alone though, as bathrooms are always a vulnerable area no matter what business the bathroom belongs to.
What Building Materials Are Most Vulnerable?
While wood is a common building material for residential and commercial buildings, it is also very vulnerable to mold growth. Because it is an organic material with a high capacity for absorbing water, wood can act as a source of both food and moisture for mold. Removing mold from wood is sometimes as simple as using a mold lifting solution, but the wood must be thoroughly dried. SMART Environmental Services has the equipment and expertise to handle commercial mold removal in wooden buildings quickly and efficiently before the mold has the opportunity to destroy wood surfaces.
Drywall is a porous surface that makes mold extremely difficult, if not impossible, to remove once it starts to grow. Drywall being high in cellulose makes it a common material for mold contamination. Mold will commonly grow out of sight behind drywall in the wall cavities. These areas are perfect environments for mold growth because they often contain pockets of humid, moist air. A professional team like the one at SMART Environmental Services can inspect behind the drywall with minimal impact to the wall surfaces to create as little impact on your business as possible.
Concrete and Cinder Block Walls
While cinder block walls are strong, long-lasting and resistant to elements such as wind and rain, they are also subject to the effects of mold growth. While not an organic material itself, dirt, dust, and moisture can collect as a result of flooding, humidity, or rain. Once these materials accumulate, mold spores can settle on the wall surface and begin to grow. The moisture absorption of this material occurs so slowly that it’s possible for significant damage to be done before you find it.
Commercial mold removal is key to your business being able to continue operating if you suspect you have mold. SMART Environmental Services in Kansas City has a team of experts with years of experience handling jobs in all types of businesses and buildings. Our team can remove the mold quickly and cleanly with as little interruption to your business as possible. Call today at (913) 355-5303 or click here to contact us online.