mold damage

Damage caused by damp on a wall in modern house

Mold Damage: Don’t Wait To Seek Help

June 15, 2022

The leading cause of mold damage in businesses and homes is without question water, and with the spring season, there is more rain and higher humidity. These conditions lead to an increase in leaks and moisture buildup in attics and other poorly ventilated areas in your home that create the perfect environment for mold growth. SMART…

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MoldDamageinKansasCity-SMART Environmental Services

Mold Damage in Kansas City Calls for SMART Environmental Services

February 16, 2022

If there is mold damage in your home or business, you want a trusted, local company to take care of it. Luckily for folks in Kansas City, there’s SMART Environmental Services! We have the expertise to take care of mold problems in your home or business. But how can you tell if you have a…

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